For over 3 thousands years the Chinese have been growing and prescribing natural medicines to treat all manner of ailments and ill health. Chinese medicines have three categories of substances: Plants; Minerals; and Animals. Note that: I tend to only use a selection of the animal products as Animal rights and conservation are important to me.

Chinese Herbal Practitioners prescribe these substances according to our own diagnostic system. We either strengthen and nourish specific systems and resources in the body or see drain toxins and pathology out of the body.
I have recently outsourced my dispensary so as I can maximise the time I spend with each patient. Prescriptions are now filled by another large dispensary in Melbourne and mailed out to direct to the patient.

Mon 10.30am-4.30pm | Tues 9-5pm | Wed 1-6pmThu 10.45-6.30pm | Fri 9-6pm | Alternate Sat 9.30-4pm

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